News & Events


Whose Device is it anyway? (And where's it located?) composite image

Who’s minding your school district’s technology assets?

July 11, 2024

Facilities and IT staff—and their vendors—can save time and improve accuracy of technology device maintenance when sharing common, secure, customizable floor plan views with MasterLibrary® software.
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ML Schedules Gallery View

Introducing our new Gallery View feature

April 22, 2024

At the beginning of the year, MasterLibrary released the Gallery View feature within ML Schedules which allows our users to display pictures of their buildings and...
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man working on laptop computer

New ML Schedules Invoicing features

March 14, 2024

Our team has worked diligently to constantly improve our invoicing process within ML Schedules. These newest features are in place to make life easier for those...
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K12 Facility Scheduling Software Buyers Guide

K12 Facility Scheduling Software Buyers Guide

March 7, 2024

As you evaluate the right facility scheduling solution for your district, we put together a guide that hopes to shed light on some overlooked yet immensely...
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